If you prefer to plan your vacation rather than your life, your goals will not suit your habits!
Out of habit, many people start planning their summer vacation of the year by January at the latest. Finally, the tour operators attract with early bird discount.
But where should it go?
Europe, Asia, Africa or maybe America? What follows is the trip to the travel agency and then quite old-fashioned travel catalogs to get and study. When then the continent is fixed, it goes to fine-tuning. Which hotel is the best? Is it also convenient for traffic or directly on the beach? Is there ample entertainment in the neighboring towns? Everything is about to start, because it is already a solid and routine part of the annual habit.
Or is it deliberately secluded and quiet? Thanks to Google Maps, you can now also visit the hotel or the location in advance virtually. Ever make a plan to do what there is to do things. Anyone who has traveled before the Internet age, still know the good old guide. This was always purchased in advance to be able to assess what expected on the spot better and then to look at what trips worthwhile or what you should never miss.So arise and were often perfect vacation planning for the well most beautiful weeks in the year. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm for their own life planning is rare. Many people just live by themselves. Without setting concrete goals in their lives and then achieving them. It almost seems as if the majority of people just react and do not actively participate in their lives.
It would be so easy. Small steps to small milestones, for example, is a good start to changing your stuck habit.
However, people who have already made these steps habitual in everyday life are actively shaping their lives and so often rewarded with success. Of course, not every detail can be planned down to the last detail. Often there are also situations that are unpredictable. Then you have to react spontaneously appropriately. But if the goal is clear, the plan can be changed to the goal in the short term.
Make it your new habit to set goals and plans for your life.
This ensures that it also goes in the right direction for you. Even if the beginning is not always easy, successes after a few weeks will change your habits. Then these become your success habits.
Which habit do you want to change first?
Read HERE how time outs can help you succeed.